Write For Us

Here’s How to Pitch and Write a Guest Post for Alan Briggs

A guest poster will get great FB shares, tweets, backlinks, brand-development and signups to their lists. If you’d like to join them, please follow exactly these steps to avoid ending up in the slush pile, where spammers, content farms, bad ideas and failed pitches go…

First things first:

We only respond to posts we’d like to pursue. We accept 1 in 50 pitches, and only a third of those get published.

Cool? Great. Check out the steps to follow below… and follow ’em. We love awesome pitches and the writers who write them.

Submit a Guest Post

If we’d like you to write the post for us, we’ll email you back within 5 days of receiving your inquiry. From there, you can write! Note that you’ll need to support your points with data – even if you’re telling your story, you’ll need screenshots and proof to make the post engaging.

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